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Gryffindor Common Room

Amanda P. X. Sim

Fifth Years
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Everything posted by Amanda P. X. Sim

  1. False :p Likes peanut butter and jelly
  2. Hello Wicki :D Tell us which Deathly Hallow (item) would you pick and why? Duck!
  3. (Oops sorry, I should have said observing/watching/listening. But yeah I find it interesting, and I agree it'll give you lots of stuff to write about, that's so true.) True! Has a power bank
  4. False Enjoys watching people (like in a cafe, or just sitting at a bench on the sidewalk)
  5. False Squeezes toothpaste from the middle
  6. False Has the habit of using a computer mouse
  7. Innocent, but I got dizzy instead Finds it hard to stop when laughing too much
  8. Oh that's lovely. Really glad to hear that and cheers to you! True! Enjoys stage plays
  9. Guilty lol I guess can be a bit mad sometimes Has been upside down before (like in a rollercoaster, or when doing a handstand and etc)
  10. (Ahaha that's so nice!) Toadstool
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