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Gryffindor Common Room

Pandora Gotham

Second Years
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Posts posted by Pandora Gotham

  1. My inner savior is showing!! AHHHHH! Hide it quick! lol! :lol: I'd pick be kidnapped by Dakeed, in exchange for the Headmaster, we need them back!!




    suddenly develop a disease that, at random times, makes you fall over and sleep for 48 hours straight...


    Have to eat the worlds biggest and hottest chicken wing with out ANY drink twice a day for a week? :heat:

  2. Hmmmmmmm... Probably spill coffee on the brand new dress. Since I've had that old pretty white dress for a while and probably wouldn't be able to find another.

    Would you rather...

    Be mechanically induced to scream at the top of your lungs for an hour every day


    Have your eyes glued shut for a day?

  3. I think I might have to go with be expelled from Hogwarts and transferred to another Wizarding School. I still want my magical education No matter how sad I would be from getting expelled!:cry:


    Listen to the Nyan Cat song for 100 hours straight


    Only be able to talk in text talk for the rest of your life, resulting in you losing all of your friends because nobody really like or thinks text talk is cool.

  4. Um, maybe I was wrong. In February you (or the Spice Squad) sent me a message that went like this,

    Hey there Lions

    Are you here?

    It's the Spice Squad,

    Singing a cheer

    With the new term,

    Comes points and more

    Turn your stuff in

    Let me hear you ROAR!

    Gryffies are the best

    But we're falling behind

    Help us catch up

    Cause we're in a bind.

    Greeting from the Spice Squad

    I think it is very good, and I used to not be able to write anything. Period. At all. But what I do is put everything down on paper, no matter how badly it sounds, then I tweak and edit like crazy. It might work for you, and it's always best to have a thesaurus and dictionary nearby!:yes:

    I do like my mentor, and she has helped me through more than you can imagine. Thank you!

    Have a ROARific day!! :yahoo:

  5. Thank you very much!

    This was not only happening to me, but to my best friend, and when she told me, I was so upset that it wasn't only me, but her too. My dad leaves a lot on deployment (he's in the military) and my mom works a lot, so my bestie :D was pretty much my family during that time. It still happens occasionally, but not as much since I went on a bit of a rampage last year. The whole speaking to people thing is what my English teacher/ drama director/ mentor tells me, and gets me to write short stories and poems about important issues.

    Do you come up with the cheers for the squad yourself?

  6. So this is my first poem here on the GCR, and I hope you like it! It is pretty morbid depending on how you look at it, and like the title says, it is about bullying.

    Bullying: A Pathway to Pain

    Pandora Gotham

    Can't you see,

    What your words do to me?

    They grip my insides,

    and refuse to let go.

    I cry myself to sleep,

    I dread to come to school,

    and some days,

    I feel like I'm drowning.

    Drowning in your spiral,

    Of never ending hate.

    Drowning down, down, down.

    Suffocating my air.

    Inside, my blood runs claret.

    Seeping out through every pore.

    I feel I should die,

    As you treat me so.

    Am I too stupid,

    With my near average grades?

    Not pretty enough,

    To play your dumb game?

    I feel tired, weak.

    I feel I don't belong,

    Despite my loving friends.

    I know I shouldn't care,

    But I do, and always will,

    Your words are like knives,

    Slashing my crumbling wall,

    Until I feel, unclean inside.

    Does it make you feel strong?



    To pick on someone as little as me?

    Everyday is a battle,

    Me verses the rope.

    That could end my personal misery,

    And drown in pure hope.

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