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Gryffindor Common Room

Fumei Spookie

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Posts posted by Fumei Spookie

  1. Our last Paw Print issue had only been released 9 days ago! And that was our amazing Halloween Issue (for October)! And of course we will be releasing a new issue at the end of this month! This month's theme is SPORTS!! Because which month is more perfect to cover this theme than November? Quidditch is finally starting and all the other muggle sport seasons are also starting. So if you have anything that has to do with sports, a story, a game review a personally experience!

    What you aren't a sporty person by heart? No worries! You can still send in completely unrelated to the theme!

    Submissions will be due Sunday, November 25th, at 11:59 PM HOL time! This is a little more than a week (like 9 days?) And then I hope to launch the new issue within this month so that we are back on track with releasing issues ;)

    To check out the last issue and get some inspiration, go here: http://gryffpawprint.weebly.com/. You can also complete our challenges, each worth 10 points here: http://gryffpawprint...challenges.html. You earn 10 points per challenge, and you can mix and match up your points that you submit to the rest of the paper to get all 50 for the month if you would like!

    Email us at theGryffPawPrint@gmail.com if you have any questions!

    Points for the Halloween Issue will be send out as soon as possible!!

  2. omg whats with the worse scenarios here!!!

    I think be the rest of my life with one arm. You can do much with only 1 arm. But being stuck in a wheelchair the rest of your life... sound smore evil to me!!!

    Since I'm not in the worse scenarios at the moment:


    Eat a apple


    Eat a pear

    Bah!! Take that you guys XP

  3. Umh since I don't count school musicals (I think I have seen like 4 or 5 school musicals, and I can't really remember them ¬¬ so yeah)

    But the musicals I have seen are:

    - Aida (2 times xD)

    - Mamma Mia (2 times)

    - Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (and the video version \o/)

    - Tarzan

    - The Little Mermaid

    - Wicked

    - Les Miserables (2 times)

    - Fame (in london)

    - Mary Poppins

    - The Three Musketeers (musical version on dvd)

    Musicals that I would lvoe to see (and will be playing here this year or next)

    - Sister Act

    - Wicked (again)

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