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Gryffindor Common Room

Fumei Spookie

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Posts posted by Fumei Spookie

  1. This topic is here for you guys to post your own artwork or comment on the artwork that others posted. Go ahead and have fun!



    All content here must follow all HOL rules, which means all work must be G-rated, and your own work. Posting other people's work or/and taking credit for it is not accepted.


    You are welcome to post any type of artwork: hand drawn, artistic photographs, graphics...etc. :)

    Size Rules

    The dimensions should not be larger than 700 x 700 pixels. There is no limitation to the filesize of the images.


    Posting Rules
    When posting art, you topic should be: Your whole HOL Name, and type of artwork.
    And above your image (or link) you should provide equipment used (always interesting to know).

    So if I wanted to post something I've painted, the topic title would be: Ilona Littrell, Acrylic Painting
    And my post would start with: Acrylic paint, white canvas.. (Keep it as simple or filling as you wish. It's always interesting to hear about the process).
    Other examples would be: photoshop CS5, Canon 400D, Pencils, Watercolors...etc.

    If you have several pieces of artwork you would like to post together in a topic, you may do that so you don't end up making 10 new topics at the same time.

    If you need help with how to re-size or upload an image, there will be a tutorial on this in the Tutorial Area.

    Beside the love of making art, another performance of the arts, is through sewing and such. Yes this is also an way to express your hidden talents! So here you can also post the things you have crafted. Like your cosplays, your plushies, your handiworks. Maybe you made some awesome things through knitting! Go away and post it here!! Keep in mind to post it in the same way you post arts ;)

    This means by posting it like:

    Size Rules

    The dimensions should not be larger than 700 x 700 pixels. There is no limitation to the filesize of the images. 


    Posting Rules
    When posting art, you topic should be: Your whole HOL Name, and type of artwork.
    And above your image (or link) you should provide equipment used (always interesting to know).

    So if I wanted to post something I've sewed, the topic title would be: Fumei Shirokuro, Cosplay
    And my post would start with: Stitcher (Keep it as simple or filling as you wish. It's always interesting to hear about the process).
    Other examples would be: Hand stitched, painted, crafted, etc




    You're very welcome to comment other people's works. Please try to be sensitive of other people's feelings, art can be a very personal thing for a many people. 
    Constructive criticism is of course welcome, but try put yourself in their place as you write your comments.

    Artists too should remember that as they post their art here, people might post their opinions about them good or bad, but that this is just people's opinions, and are mostly aimed at helping you become better 

    Any rude, or disrespectful comments will be deleted. 

  2. Hello Tamara and Larry!! Welcome to the Lion's Den xD 
    And I know right Ailime! The tea in the UK is horrible >< and how they prepare it. We were always tossing all the tea bags out of the teapots the moment we got them x'D

  3. Halloween is over, and I bet everyone is filling themselves with all those yummy sweets they were able to collect during Halloween day. It also means that it’s time for a new Issue for the Paw Print. Even though I love Halloween and the scariness I tried to create, we need to move on!
    While I would love to make this issue all about moustaches, I think no one is interested in that. Since November stands for Thanksgiving, eating, and lots more, this month's theme will be Let’s Get Stuffed! If you have wonderful recipes, stuffed animals, stories featuring scarecrows, and stuffed animals (or even moustaches), feel free to send it in! Of course, you can also submit something completely unrelated, like moustaches; that is perfectly fine as well!
    Submissions will be due Saturday, November 23th, at 11:59 PM HOL time.
    If you are in need for some inspiration, you can always check the Paw Print. Besides submitting to the Paw Print, you can also complete our challenges!
    Emails us at theGryffPawPrint@gmail.com if you have any questions.
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