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Gryffindor Common Room

Eno Thomas

Sixth Years
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Everything posted by Eno Thomas

  1. Day 2: Your deck changed to: Thunder Weddings Professor Miette Bynny Being in Love Mice Apples Spam Deadline for day 2 is November 12th 8 PM HOL Time.
  2. Day 2: You missed the first day so your deck doesn't change. Professor Ulol Kimil The end of the world Hermione Granger London Science Fiction Hooligans HOL Deadline for Day 2 is November 12th 8 PM HOL Time.
  3. Day 2: Your deck changed to Firestorms Wand A sunrise A Little White Lie Baby Showers Women Cold Pizza Deadline is November 12th 8 PM HOL Time
  4. Day 2: You are the judge for this round. So, you have to wait for me to post here the list of all the red cards chosen by the other players. Your deck changed to: Professor Missa Matz Butterflies Helen Keller Cell Phones Chocolate Milk Broadway Bad Dogs
  5. Day 2: The green card was Legendary. Choose one of these red cards: Leonardo da Vinci Batman Statue of Liberty Harry Potter Will Smith You have to post also a red card for the second round.
  6. Group 1 for apples to apples: I'll post the green card tonight at 8 pm HOL Time. Get readyt!

  7. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Airline Food Robin Williams Antarctica Leonardo da Vinci Getting a Hug Pigeons The Mafia You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  8. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Castles The First Day of School Rainbows Scavenger Hunts Noisy Neighbors The Statue of Liberty Teachers You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  9. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Thunder Weddings Professor Miette Bynny Being in Love Mice Will Smith Spam You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  10. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Professor Ulol Kimil The end of the world Hermione Granger London Science Fiction Hooligans HOL You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  11. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Firestorms Wand A sunrise A Little White Lie Baby Showers Women Batman You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  12. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Professor Missa Matz Butterflies Helen Keller Harry Potter Chocolate Milk Broadway Bad Dogs You have to wait for me to post the green card on 8 pm HOL Time and then post here the red card you want to play.
  13. Eno Thomas

    Your Deck

    Day 1: Your starting cards are: Prince Charming Mold Hockey Family Vacations Creamed Corn Common Room Email You are the judge for the first day. You have to wait for me to post all the red cards the other players chose in this forum.
  14. Happy Birthday Missa! <333


    1. Eno Thomas

      Eno Thomas

      Alright. Go make me a sammich then!

  16. I can't stop staring at the new common room banner!

  17. Go check the Point Opportunities forum in the Study Room for more ways to earn points. NOW! :P

  18. Points updated for RR!

    1. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      The rest of them will be update hopefully this weekend. Monday at the latest, if I have limited internet.

  19. If you think you got what it takes to be part of the greatest quidditch team ever the try outs for GQT are still opened!

    1. Eno Thomas

      Eno Thomas

      Well, not really try outs >_>

      Just bot 500 questions and message Jenny :D

    2. Chadwick Cadet
  20. OMG I love the new point things!!

  21. Go Ruby Rapidashes! Go Team Red!! Woooo! <_<

  22. Hehe, yup! We'll kick but this year!! :D

  23. Gryff staff go check the Oaken Staff forum please :D

    1. Eno Thomas

      Eno Thomas

      Thank you Babs <3

  24. I have forgotten to write it here. I'm a Hufflepuff in Pottermore. My life has been a lie.

  25. So, i changed it to Awesome and Handsome Prefect. It kida rhymes? >>

    1. Chadwick Cadet

      Chadwick Cadet

      You're *still* not that cool...

    2. Eno Thomas

      Eno Thomas

      LOLOL. Omg I wish I could change it to Pedrobear lol

    3. Chadwick Cadet

      Chadwick Cadet

      hahahah see now THAT would be cool

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