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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Hailey Potter

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Everything posted by Prof. Hailey Potter

  1. Hi-five to Freya for actually getting the pronunciation right!!!! Thank you to all. Also, thank you for making this a great birthday. I got to spend today with all three of my families: my actual family, my work family, and my HOL family, and that means the world to me. You guys are the best! I love you all! :friends: <3s (and <4 for D) for everyone!
  2. DYING. Slytherin changes Gryffindor to "soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur." *forever amused* That's the best thing ever!

    1. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      I had never wandered into the dungeons before!

    2. Kailey Jones

      Kailey Jones

      I keep typing gryffindor and it changes fhe words! snakes these days

    3. Show next comments  15 more
  3. two thousand two hundred and sixty-three. Glad to see no one's miscounted lately!!!
  4. New topic in Spice Squad, Spices. PLEASE read, consider, and respond! I want to hear your thoughts!

  5. Oh, I almost missed this!!! Happy birthday, Eno!!!!! Hope it was a fabulous one! (Also, Chadwick Cadet, folks. Still the Queen of the Gifs!!!)
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNY!! I hope you had a fantastic one!!
  7. Applications are now closed. Be watching the Gryffindor's Got Talent thread... we're going to get this started within in the next two days!!!
  8. Sign ups are open through the weekend! We'll try and get started with however many talents we have by Monday. So PLEASE audition!!! It's not about winning, it's about having some fun and showcasing some of the wonderful things you can do! Remember, anything can be a talent. Can you fly paper airplanes? Can you ride a horse? Can you solve logic puzzles? Anything can be a talent! You don't have to sing or dance to be considered talented... if you don't believe me, just youtube your country's Got Talent auditions! They have random talents as well. :)
  9. PLEASE don't forget to audition for Gryff's Got Talent! ANYTHING can count for talent, guys! Get creative! :)

  10. This is supposed to be the last day for Gryffindor's Got Talent auditions! Please audition. Please, please, please audition. Make Hailey a happy person and audition!
  11. Please take the time to read my Gryffindor for Third thoughts in Announcements. Let's band together and make a difference for Gryffindor!

    1. Prof. Dario Brighton

      Prof. Dario Brighton

      Ahhh, I wish professor points would count. :/

    2. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      Haha, we can only dream, Dario. ^_^

  12. Hi, all! Okay, so I've been going through G43 points today and I felt it was absolutely necessary to post here. 1.) We are in last place in the House Cup. Again. By a HUGE margin. Like Slytherin leads by 3000 points. 2.) Why? Well, I'm going to use Gryffindor For Third data to show some reasons of why. Of all points earned so far in Gryffindor for Third, we have 37,286 total points. We have 44 participants. The current House Points multiplier for Gryffindor is 0.71%. Do the math and that gives us 26,473 points from Gryffindor for Third. So what's the problem? Why isn't that showing up in the House Cup though? Of those 44 participants, we have 16 who have become passive members. That's a percentage of 36% of our participants. What does that mean? The points those 16 people have gained DO NOT COUNT. Which brings our total points to 30,828 points. Which means we've lost 6,458 points from people going passive. Which according to the house multiplier would have given us 21,887 points. That's 4,586 points lost*. That's almost 31,000 points, right? That still seems to be quite a bit, right? Let me throw you one more type of participants we currently have: of the 28 participants we have left, we have 10 more participants that are going to become passive any day now. That's right, there are 10 people who haven't earned any new points for at least the last three times I've checked Gryffindor for Third points. That brings us down to a loss percentage of 59%. Once they are taken away, our total points from Gryffindor for Third participants come downs to 25,059 total points. That's 12,217 points GONE from our total with all 44 participants. With the house multiplier, that only makes 17,792 points* for Gryffindor. And that, folks, is WHY we're in last. All those points Gryffindor for Third participants have earned come down to 17,792 measly points. To make matters worse, for the April points checking, I only had 15 participants earn points. That's only 34% of Gryffindor for Third members... I know that the house multiplier would be higher if all our 44 participants were still active, but at least we would be working from 37,000 points instead of only 25,000. That's a 12,000 point difference! I know that life is busy. But guys, when it gets busy, it's still important to at least do one assignment. So you stay active and all your hard-earned points count. Does that make sense? And it's not all bad. With all 44 participants, we have an average of 847 points per participant. With the loss of our 16 passive members, making our ranks 28, we have an average of 1,101 points per participant. With the loss of our 10 more members who will go passive soon, that brings our numbers to 18, and 1,392 points. So those of us who are still left are scoring a huge amount of points. But remember... take the house multiplier into consideration and that's just not a lot of points, folks... So my point is... I know it's the end of term. I know you're finishing out school years in real life and what have you. But your house needs you. Try to take a few minutes every now and again and do an assignment or two. And most importantly... hang in there. We have only one more month left to make this happen, guys. To make Gryffindor come in third, not last. And it will take all of us working together and earning points to make it happen. I have personally made plans to step up the bar for myself and try to earn 100 extra points outside of my classes. That might be high, and hard for others, but please. Set yourself a goal. You'd be surprised at how high you can soar if you just set your mind to it! We can still do this, guys! Hang in there, and keep earning those points!!! *Please note that our house multiplier would be a bit higher if these members were active.
  13. Hi, lions! So the term will soon be winding down. Lucky for you, Gryffindor Staff's got a fun activity waiting for you! Have you ever seen one of those shows called "[insert Country Here]'s Got Talent," where many contestants come to compete against each other with many other talents. So.... it got us wondering. What talents do our lions possess? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you paint something awesome? Show us! You may even win the entire competition. Please read all rules and instructions before submitting, including rules if you are submitting a video of yourself!! What are you waiting for??? to find out more, and get involved!
  14. I feel like I have practically no friends, and then I come on here and are reminded I have an abundance. Thanks guys... I love you all so much! <3

    1. Kailey Jones

      Kailey Jones

      We love you too hailey! *huggles*

  15. My Spice Squad is BACK and in ACTION! Makes my day!!

  16. Spice Squad's makeover is done! I did ultimately decide to begin fresh. I invite all Spices to return and look around and begin posting! I do have a request that Spices who are not captains do not start new topics. My hopes are that the workshop categories will fit any idea you might have. Please find the category that fits your idea the best and post there!!! I organized this hoping that with fewer topics we might be more productive, so please keep that in mind when you enter! If you are a Spice and have lost or forgotten the password, please send me a PM. I will be glad to give you the password again!! And please, don't be afraid to post, Spices. The more Spices we have posting their ideas and helping us in our projects, the better the Squad is! We have a whole lot more fun when we have a lot of Spices participating, and our projects are much more amazing as well. Now let's have some Spicey fun, girls, and get back to our amazingly crazy ideas!!! P.S. If you're reading this and are interested in joining Spice, just click here to find out how!
  17. Um, just because of what is going on in my head tonight on this topic, I thought I might post here in announcements.... Yes, Spices, Spice Squad is currently under construction! What does this mean? This means that, in order to make the Squad more productive, I have decided to give our area, in Kailey's words, "a makeover." Over the next week or so (hopefully it won't take me more than a week!!!), things are going to be changing in our common room space, hopefully for the better! :D How much the forum could be changing could mean a variety of things: I might reorganize a few threads and stop there, or I might archive and then delete 90% of the threads and start from scratch. I really haven't decided 100% yet. This also may (somewhat) include a bit of a revamping in Spice Jar and Old Spice. although my main focus will be the Spice Squad subforum itself. So if you come into Spice Squad in the next few days to discover over half of the forum thread missing, please don't be alarmed! I'm only spring cleaning so that we can have room and space to focus on more Spicey things; I'm currently thinking about a return to Spicey basics and rebuild from there.... Hang with me, Spices. I'm hoping, once done, we'll have a new place with a more focused overview instead of a whole bunch of overwhelming ideas going all over the place.... Not that ideas are bad, of course. :) I'm just beginning to build a new vision and hope to get us up to full capacity very soon. I'll explain more once I get things back up and running, and will post here when I am finished with the upgrade! Sincerely, Hailey Potter Spice Squad Captain
  18. 2187... err, I mean 2188
  19. WEEKS FOUR AND FIVE Again, NUTTY NARGLES and WACKY WRACKSPURTS somehow got lost in our celebration and did not compete. SILLY SNORKACKS managed to get in both challenges. Here are their entries: Part 1 by the amazing Jennifer Kusakabe!! http://i164.photobuc...zpsbd5451f9.png Part 2 by me and Guin!! ------- Task 1 http://i164.photobuc...zps861fa147.png Task 2 Guinevere Avalons Lantern: http://i45.tinypic.com/fylwef.png Fumei Shirokuro's Lantern: http://i31.photobuck...zps21a8ed0f.png These Lanterns will be hanged at the entrance of the dorm. Just so that everybody can see them. We thought about hanging them in the middle but I found that an obnoxious sight. So it became at the entrance!
  20. WEEK THREE NUTTY NARGLES and WACKY WRACKSPURTS unfortunately got sideswept by the festivities and forgot to dance and watch the fireworks! SILLY SNORKACKS found their way through the dances and then made their fireworks show: Part 1 Jennifer Kusakabe - http://i164.photobuc...zps09cee121.png Fumei Shirokuro - http://i31.photobuck...zps038b520f.png Aurora Lestrange - http://img13.imagesh...jandenchal1.jpg Part 2 The fireworkshow that the Silly Snorkacks will present you will be a show existing out lots of different colors with all kinds of fireworks. The whole of it will be a bit of a busy looking show, that will give you a show where you want to look everywhere. So our show will be colorful with different kinds of firework shapes.
  21. WEEK TWO The answer for Part One, thanks to Silly Snorkacks, was.... As for Part Two.... NUTTY NARGLES While the NN completed Part 1, they did not turn it in... as for part two... I couldn't find anything? Bummer, I know! SILLY SNORKACKS The SS completed Part 1, sent it in, and submitted this for part two: It was a silly wet morning, when 13 students of the Silly Snorkacks decided to take on a stroll. For starters they just wanted to go and have a nice sightseeing through the common room of Gryffindor. Just so they could be random and amazing. During this amazing walk, they stumbled upon Prof. Missa Matz who decided that they should have a race to see who is the best 12 students of the Den. Well with only the word race it had been said enough and almost all the Silly Snorkacks decided to tag along on this weirdly decided race by Prof. Missa, in the hope that this race would also bring some good fortune, happiness and wealth. But well who know what the race would bring, since it was started by prof. Missa Matz. So the race began, and wildly enough it was a race that nobody wanted to see. Clever as she was, Ada Pepperstone managed to nail the race. As was smart enough to take a shortcut through the Common Room and get first place. The second one to win was Zachary Jameson, who had told Ada about the shortcut, but wasn't able to finish first, because Ada was just a tad faster. The third to win was Britin Hale, who had a great struggle to get to the finish, because she was utterly lost in the Common Room. And who would be in such a big place, were this race was being held. I could tell you who all the amazing students of the Silly Snorkacks are that won a place as best student, but since that would make this story very uninteresting I will skip some beats until I get to parts that are interesting again. And so we had the first 3 winners. Some had won fair, others a bit less. Then we managed to get to the fifth place. And that spot was taken by non-other than Jennifer Kusukabe. Although at first it was a mystery why she took so long, cause she was the fast of them all and knew her way around the Common Room pretty well. As Jennifer was explaining herself, she happened to come across some Ancient old ladies and she decided to help them cross the Common Room. This action made her lose some time, but she was glad to hear she still hit the fifth spot. The eleventh student who was able to finish this silly race was Matilda Figgleweed. At first we thought that she was lost as well, but in the end it happened to be that Matilda decided to take a short break during this race and was wishing all her friends some Happy New Year. The last to finish this race was Bay Reilly, as she was too busy to help other students and clubs to finish the race in time. But this isn't the end of this story. Like I said there were 13 students in the race, and only 12 could finish. So what happened to the last student? Well apparently Fumei Shirokuro decided half way through the race it was time to take a short, make that a long one, nap. And there she fell in a comfy chair in a deep hibernation, forgetting all about this silly race. WACKY WRACKSPURTS WW found the answers to Part One but didn't quite get it in. I couldn't find anything for Part Two either. :(
  22. Okay, it's that time. Results time. I apologize for the wait, but it's finally here, and time to see answers and participating entries! Also, the winner... WEEK ONE: To remind you what the tasks were... NUTTY NARGLES Unfortunately, although they did part 1, they never quite turned anything in. :( So here are some of the things they worked on but never made it outside of their den: Kailey Jones- My New Years Resolution is to basically be more active. I also plan on joining more clubs. These include GQT, Junior Prefects, be a Pawtner for Gryffindor, teach a class, be more active as a cheerleader, and a Paw Print artist. So I guess I'll take less classes. Some might say this is a lot for a 11 year old first year (10 in RL.) but I still pan on accomplishing this. Seraphina Severus- My New Years Resolution would for me to be more active in the common room, try to do a column for the Paw Print that I originally planned on doing at the beginning of the school year and to get my homework done sooner instead of leaving it for the last week. Allison Sullivan- my New Years Resolutions are: bot more! So I could improve my trivia knowledge on quiddy, try to get full points for every classes that I take, and uh, buy a pet some times later on HOL (and don't let it ran away just like my last cat, Zola <_<) Elisa Everlong- One of my new years resolution is definitely to get things done earlier! I've been leaving my assignments to the very last day they're due. I also need to be way more active here and get involved rather than being a lurker. Anneliese Lee- My new year's resolution is to be more active on HOL , earn enough quills, and get my homework done. Also to keep my lovely nutty nargles active. :) Pandora Gotham- My resolution is to not fail all of my classes and juggle my thingamajiggers better!! And be a lot more active. SILLY SNORKACKS Silly Snorkacks DID meet the deadline and send their stuff in. Here is their entry! 1) New Year's Resolutions Ada Pepperstone- "To be a better teammate and captain on my gymnastics team, since I've been gone a lot and don't try to interact with the newbies...." Fumei Shirokuro- "My New Year's Resolutions is to finally get my stupid diploma and be finished with school! After that earning looooots of Money so I can go and work a year in Australia... Although going to Australia would probably be a resolution for next year XP" 2) Silly Glasses WACKY WRACKSPURTS And finally, we have WW, whom seemed to be quite missing from their den this week, and left Nina to conjure up a small task by herself. She did send it in, and here is what she came up with, representing WW!! 1.) New Year’s Resolutions- Nina Messersmith- What I would like to accomplish in HOL this year is to beat my old record of earning 2060 Points. That would be a major accomplishment for me. I would also like to create a New successful class that many HOL students will enjoy (I think I've got something in mind) and last but not least I want to earn my way to becoming a Prefect (yey!) I think those are three goals that I should be able to accomplish if I work hard this year. 2 .) Silly Glasses Stay tuned... there's more entries and results coming throughout the day! :)
  23. I'm back from Hogwarts! Er... I mean, vacation. ;)

    1. Kailey Jones

      Kailey Jones

      YAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. *bumps* In case you haven't wandered into Spice Jar lately for the new Gryffindor for Third announcement, please go do that now! There are some new rewards this term up for grabs that might motivate you (or maybe your hibernating lion friends? ;)) to earn an amazing amount of points! Just and remember to check the Study Room for new point opportunities frequently! We're last again in the house cup, folks. The only way we can fix that is working together to get our points numbers up! Which means all of us need to do our best to get some great points. And remember.... GO GRYFFINDOR! \o/
  25. I really hate how the common room forum is possessed and decides to pretend there are forums where I have unread content in when I don't...

    1. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Yeah, I hate that, too. I have ZERO clue what triggers that or I'd fix it... :(

    2. Prof. Hailey Potter

      Prof. Hailey Potter

      Like I said, it's totally possessed...

    3. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Yeah... I wonder if there is a bug fix. I'll try and hunt one down somewhere. :)

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