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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    It's the time of the year when we take a moment to celebrate the heroes amongst us! Please join your hands in applause as I present the winners of this term's Gryffindor Awards. In the category of house points... With an amazing 1,780 House Points earned for Gryffindor, the Platinum Quill Award goes to @Sky Alton. Moving on to our house's internal points, we have... The Phoenix Award, which is presented to the Gryffindor with most Rubies: @Iverian Gnash with an incredible 693 Rubies! Similarly to the Phoenix Award, we offer the Lionheart Award to a non-Gryffindor friend, who managed to earn the most rubies overall. Let's hear it for @Maxim Trevelyan of Ravenclaw with a jaw-dropping 984 Rubies! Now, shifting focus to awards to which I like to refer as Staff Choice Awards... I present the Curious Kitten Award to @Iverian Gnash, who helps make Gryffindor's presence felt all around Hogwarts and who is constantly leaving us in awe with her enthusiasm and eagerness. For her omnipresence, reliability, willfulness... The person who is definitely one of the main backbones of Gryffindor, @Sky Alton is presented with the Consistent Cub Award. Last, but not least, @Prof. Zenix James, for her immense pride in the things she does for our House and the brave and bold spirit, is awarded the Lively Lionet Award. Congratulations to all, I am very proud of you!
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