No-Bake Lemon Tarts – (Vegan and Gluten-Free)

I don’t know how many vegans we have in the castle (as I joined just recently) but even if you are not vegan or don’t have poblems with gluten, you can still try this delicious, fast and healthy alternative.

This tart is perfect for those lemon-lovers and now that the summer is coming, is perfect for warm days. Personally, I love lemon so much and the acidity it gives to food, but if you are more of a super sweet person you can always alter the recipe and add as much sugar/syrup as you want.

For the CRUST BASE you will need:

  • 100 grams of soaked Cashews
  • Coconut zest
  • ½ Tbsp Coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon zest

For the crust I let the cashews soak for half an hour since we don’t want it to be creamy but firm and crunchy. The whole recipe is mixed in a blender or food processor although if the crust is still too dry and not getting together you can add more coconut oil or coconut milk. There’s no need to wash between crust and filling. Once it’s done place the crust in the mold and to the chiller/fridge.

For the FILLING you will need:

  • 80 grams of soaked Cashews
  • 1 Tbsp Maple syrup
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut milk
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon zest
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon juice
  • ½ Tbsp Vanilla
  • Pinch of salt

For the filling I let the cashews soak for an hour or two for it to be super creamy and easy to blend and mixed with the rest of the ingredients it makes an irresistible treat. The whole recipe is mixed in a blender or food processor.

After this we can get our crusts out of the fridge and fill those babies up and the best part, you can eat them right away! Or if you feel strong enough you can put them in the freezer for them to get firm and eat them as frozen lemon tarts. If you are feeling a bit fancy you can add some whipped coconut cream (or regular, if you are not vegan) on top of your tarts

Please if you make them, don’t forget to contact me and tell me how it went!

Stay safe and healthy!