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Gryffindor Common Room
Prof. Sky Alton

That One Chore....

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  If you could pick just one day-to-day activity to accomplish with magic, which would it be?


  For me, I really can't be bothered drying my hair. Being able to tackle it with a quick wand wave would be fabulous.


Anyone else have an everyday pet peeve they wish they could just 'whooosh' away with a handy spell?

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I hate doing anything to do with clothes that is not automated. I'm fine with washing and drying as it's mostly done by machines, but I hate ironing and folding. There's six of us in the house and it seems that clothes just multiply by themselves as soon as you stop looking at them.

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I do not own a dishwasher and have to wash everything by hand like I'm sure a lot of people do. I really do not like washing and drying the dishes everyday and I wish there was a spell I could do to just clean them all at once!

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Changing the bedding always feels like it goes on forever. Putting the sheets on isn't so bad but duvet covers...uh. It either ends up with a lot of lumps in it or the corner suddenly gets lost and I have to find it. Even worse is when the duvet itself somehow ends up in a knot. I think I must have an invisible mischievous house- elf that loves messing up the bedding and getting me in a pickle. These days I am not so duvet friendly- I prefer blankets.

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I am involved in so many things and living in a city means my mom has to drive back and forth a lot. I think I would change it so she wouldn't have to drive me everywhere to get to my activities. Instead, I would use magic like apparition so I could go from place to place and not have all the time in between. It would also be better environmentally and give me more time between activities because there would be no travel time!

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I really dislike making the bed! If I could wave a wand and have a freshly made, clean bed, my life would get so much better. 

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It's got to be the dishes. It's such a Sisyphus-ian task. You cook & eat three times a day and then you have to wash it. And wash it again. And wash it again..............if you want to bake something nice for dessert? Guess what, more dishes, more washing. And sometimes my roommates empty their plates on the sink and it blocks the drainage, what a nightmare. If I could magic away one thing from my life, it'd be this :(

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There’s so many it’s hard to pick just one but I’d have to say my top one would be doing the dishes. I despise doing the dishes and think it would be a great help to have a magic wand to help me do the dishes.

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The one chore I would "magic away" would be bathroom cleaning! Specifically - toilet cleaning and shower/tub scrubbing. Where's that Porcelain-Polishing Charm when you need it??

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For me that one chore would be cleaning the dishes especially if we have had a big meal!

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Dishes and cleaning the house. My back will thank me if I could magickly have these done. Although the germaphobe in me would probably double check. 

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Doing the dishes.

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