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Gryffindor Common Room
Boris Clifford

Griffin in need

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OK hello, you probably all know me: Boris Clifford. Anyway I would like to raise awareness that if you do see an injured animal or creature in the  forest or anywhere near school, please try to help it or calm it down. I did rescue a Griffin a week ago, but i do take lessons on animals and creatures, but still!  I hope that none of my class/ room mates abuse the animals because animals do deserve to be treated as we do too. I would however highly suggest that do NOT put your hands anywhere near it's mouth as for instance, griffins beaks can break arms so please be careful.  Thank You for reading! Please spread the word of this article because I think it is highly important that we know what to do and what not to do when we see and animal/creature in need.


Thank you 



PS I will notify Prof Dumbledor and Hagrid.

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