Prose and Cons – Poetry

By Gail Allen

Each sentence is exactly 10 words long and for each line “Hogwarts” moves one place further towards the end of the sentence.

Hogwarts is a school of magic where magical students study
At Hogwarts students learn of spells both great and small
First year Hogwarts students must buy a wand from Ollivanders
An education from Hogwarts is the best magical education available
All those who attend Hogwarts must bring their own cauldron
When you first go to Hogwarts you cross the lake
Whether Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, Hogwarts is your home
The sorting hat knows which house at Hogwarts is right
All those who dwell in the castle call Hogwarts home
At platform 9 3/4 you board the train to Hogwarts

By Iverian Gnash

The first line in each stanza is 10 words, the second line is 9, then 8, and ends with 7!

Hogwarts is home to witches and wizards of all ages,
Potions, Charms – many classes and magic at all stages,
Once you have your wand in Diagon Alley,
Ride the Hogwarts Express, remember the trolley!

When you arrive at Hogwarts (if it’s your first time),
Follow your fellow first years and stay in line!
They will lead you to an enchanted boat,
Stay inside, or you may not float!

Finally you’ll be inside Hogwarts and then the Great Hall,
Don’t rush to the front or you could fall!
You may see a hat on a stool,
It’ll decide your house at this school!

When you’ve found out which house you will call home,
Go find your house table, you won’t be alone!
Advice I can give you while you’re here,
Make many friends, them you’ll hold dear!