Coconut Windchimes

These cute wind chimes are the perfect addition to your patio for a very tropical feel!

You will need:

  • Coconut
  • String
  • Small Drill
  • Shells with holes
  • Hot Glue


  1. The first thing you’ll need to do is take off all the hairs on the outside of the coconut. If the hairs are difficult to take off, you can first soak the coconut in water.
  2. Next, you’ll have a round ball that has about an inch of coconut flesh and then just water on the inside. Carefully cut/saw the coconut in half which will drain the water.
  3. Scoop out the coconut flesh on the inside so you’re left with a hollowed-out coconut shell.
  4. Next, you’ll need to drill tiny holes in the coconut shell to string the string through.
  5. Take the shells and string them onto the strings, tying the string below each shell to prevent it from sliding down. Put the strings on the coconut.
  6. If you want to, you can take hot glue and glue excess shells onto the top of your coconut.
  7. Drill two holes in the top of the coconut and put the string through one hole and out the other so you can hang it up!

You will have another half of the coconut when you are done that you can make another wind chime with it!

Image shows a windchime made of shells hanging from half a hollowed coconut shell decorated with shells on top.