Christmas Episodes

With the holiday season a lot of adverts get a very Christmas-y feel and other television is no exception. While not strictly adhering to December, Christmas episodes are a staple in a long-running TV show, especially in a sitcom.

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Page to Screen

Book to screen adaptations aren’t anything new. From the early days of silent films, directors were looking for strong stories that had already proved their worth with the public. However, they have become increasingly big business over the last couple of decades with Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and other huge franchises taking on lives of their own beyond the page.

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The Perils of ‘Peak Stuff’

Talking to various members of my family this year, it soon became obvious that we’d all reached the same conclusion entirely independently of each other. We have enough ‘stuff’. It’s a realisation that’s probably been growing on us all for a while: in my family, we hardly ever give or throw anything away. For years we’ve been promising to ‘sort the house out’ and get rid of clutter.

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