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Gryffindor Common Room

Shadow Gaunt

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Everything posted by Shadow Gaunt

  1. A punching telescope. How about Draco Malfoy?
  2. Watch a movie. Would you rather use only pencils for the rest of your life or pens?
  3. True (maybe already have) Likes to bake?
  4. Shadow Gaunt

    ABC game

    Ultramarine ash (#365F9D)
  5. Lily I am thinking about a sweet treat, easy to bake.
  6. A job with random hours. I myself am very sporadic which is very bad if you're still in school but at a place like that could be very beneficial. Would you rather know all Shakespeare plays by heart or Hemingway's stories by heart?
  7. Iridium. I am thinking of a famous mathematician
  8. True. I can easily stay up till 4, but if I fall asleep at 9 I still cannot wake up at 4. Has done all their HOL homework?
  9. Guilty. I've eaten scorpions. Has touched or held a snake before
  10. The play. Although I love ballet, I feel like you can never top Shakespeare's original play. Would you rather eat cookies or drink hot chocolate with marshmallows?
  11. Asimov I am thinking of something made out of snow
  12. False! I hate the cold. Likes December more than January?
  13. Shadow Gaunt

    ABC game

    Paled Turquoise (#BBFFFF)
  14. Guilty. Has fallen through ice on a lake?
  15. Innocent Have spent more than 2 hours in a bookstore?
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