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Gryffindor Common Room

Shadow Gaunt

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Posts posted by Shadow Gaunt

  1. I have one journal that I go through about every 3-4 months. In it I put EVERYTHING. Ideas, song lyrics I made up, poetry, drawing, etc. are all in my bullet journal. The most important thing, of course, is the "weekly spread" where I plan out my week. I love planning, and though I go through ups and downs with how much I love my journal at a particular moment, the work I put in to maintain some sort of organization really helps. I would definitely recommend a bullet journal to people, but they way you use it really depends on your style.


    Even though it is the messiest thing ever, with any ideas in it, for some reason my brain remembers pages very well (very useful when reading books) and I never worry about what was on what page.

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