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Gryffindor Common Room

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

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Status Updates posted by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

  1. I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      And it's dirt. Definitely dirt ....   the rum's gone >.<

    3. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      afdoyregogtvfoy. You did that on purpose. (That song is firmly on the 'cons' side of potentially writing my final fiction assignment on badger folk law. There are some things I cannot endure for my art.)

    4. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Yes, I did it on purpose. And I laughed when I did it.    *pirate*

  2. Waiting for the Gryffindor Common Room to finish its reparo?  Come to the Book Club at the HOL main forum! We're discussing Hunger Games!  May the force be with you!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      We didn't veto them, Sky. We just hid them from you because you were talking about making Nightlock Berry Smoothies for DINNER.  That is just so inappropriate. They are a BREAKFAST drink!

    3. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      But but but but, they eat stew for breakfast in the Capitol....

    4. Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

      ... That's NOT the point!

  3. congratulations to Sky! new Gryffindor prefect.  :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Patrick James

      Patrick James

      Yep! Congratss Sky!! 

    3. Amanda P. X. Sim

      Amanda P. X. Sim

      Congratulations Sky! You deserve it!

    4. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      Thank you, everyone! <3

  4. I really like the purple forum. ^-^

    1. Prof. Jenny Lupin

      Prof. Jenny Lupin

      I think this may be one of my favorite Gryffindor traditions! :D 

    2. Prof. Sky Alton

      Prof. Sky Alton

      I can't see it (blindness, guh) but I approve of purple on principle.

  5. Holy cow this is BEAUTIFUL.  Well done, Gryffindor!

    1. Prof. Dario Brighton

      Prof. Dario Brighton

      Why, thank you! I figured some change would be nice. :)

  6. Happy Birthday (yesterday) Missa!

  7. Happy Winter or Summer Solstice for everyone! I wish everyone lots of magic and wonderment.

  8. Pyewacket time! Shades of Bell, Book and Candle

  9. EEEEEE!!!  Look look!  \o/   EEEEEE!!! Welcome back Gryffindor Common Room!  \o/

  10. Hey Ho Lions!  Come to the Sett! The Spiffies (HQT) are hosting a HP Trivia thing and you can earn Diamonds!  Join us. :)


  11. I would like to *like* some posts and can't find the button. Where is it please?

  12. Wanting something to do after you finish the latest Beedle the Bard challenge? Come to the Sett! We're playing with Fantastic Beasts there.  :)

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