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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I am honoured to present the Gryffindor End of Year Award winners! Join me in congratulations to... @Zach Jameson for the Golden Snitch Award! @Amanda P. X. Sim for the Consistent Cub Award! Ellis Nash for the Studious Simba Award! @Ziana Rhapsody for the Curious Kitten Award! @Sky Alton for the Platinum Quill Award and the Pride of the Pride Award! A special mention goes to @Guinevere Avalon for returning to Gryffindor after a long leave of absence and demonstrating what a hard worker she is. Also, congratulations to @Patrick James for being chosen to co-manage the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. We are very proud of our high-achieving Gryffindors. We thank you for your effort which sets an example for others to follow.
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